A step-by-step guide for Nigerians resident outside of Nigeria.
See the 6-Step registration process besides:
Visits our website www.ninsupportatlanta.com to pre-enrol by downloading and NIN enrollment form (Print, Fill-form & Submit when you come for biometrics capture). Applicants in diaspora makes payment online. Click to make payment HERE. DO NOT PAY CASH TO ANY THIRD PARTY. PAYMENT IS ONLINE ONLY. Call our Customer Care lines on +234 000000000 for clarity
Generate an online receipt after payment. Kindly save to your phone, tablet or PC or just print it out, please bring this receipt when you come for biometrics and capture
Walk into our NIN Enrollment office with a valid means of identification, your filled enrollment form & receipt of payment you got from the online payment (see our contact below)
The Applicant is directed to the Enrollment Officer for proper verification and given the NIN Enrollment form to fill if not already done online appropriately. The Enrollment Officer inputs applicant’s information on the enrollment form into the system. Applicant is required to check and confirm that all information is correct and complete
Applicant submits supporting documents (means of identification, elementary school cert. birth certificate etc. for documentation). Document is scanned and returned before Applicant’s biometrics is captured (headshot photograph, fingerprints) and applicant appends his/her signature
Applicant is then issued a Transaction Slip and issued ON SPOT a National Identification Number (NIN). Applicant will be informed when his/her NIN slip/National Identity Card is available for pickup. The NIN Slip has your 11-Digit Number in the top left corner, second row. This is the slip that contains the NIN and is valid for all legitimate transactions in Nigeria.